Now, if we put a photo of this product up on social media in a group of professional baristas who also measure the size of the beans before they start making coffee, we'd come under a barrage of comments like, "How are you going to extract coffee with this? You can't even experiment with it. It's just a sieve. Why are you putting it here? It's plastic, not organic bamboo! And we wouldn't even want bamboo because of the pandas." We understand that they wouldn't be impressed by this thing. Because this product is not primarily intended for those people at all. TheBrew It Stick was made for people who want coffee, but real coffee. They also want it fast, simple, plain.
When a person describes themselves as a barista, it's either their profession or their hobby, but in either case it means they're interested in coffee as more than just a coffee sipper. He knows what he's drinking and always wants to know what he's drinking. He wants to make his own coffee, to devote time, passion and work to it. Heenjoys researching coffee and uses special toolsto do so . A scale, a precision grinder, special pots...
And thenthere are people who like to drink coffee. It's not about the brewing process, it's about the cup of black caffeinated beverage. They don't want or have the opportunity to spend time making coffee. So when they buy bread in Tesco, they throw instant coffee or, even better, ground commercial coffee into their basket because it "smells nice". But it doesn't smell as nice as the coffee they had in the café back then. At home, they unpack their groceries and sigh:
"That bearded barista in the checked shirt told me so nicely about thecoffee. About Nshuti, the Rwandan farmer who grew it. That they loaded it onto a ship bound for Hamburg and then brought it to Luhačovice, where they roasted it so carefully and lovingly that I can smell not only the coffee but also the sweet fruit as I drink it. Yes, it did not taste like my home coffee. It was more like tea, but it was so fragrant and sweet. I didn't even sweeten it with sugar. On the other hand, I just pour water over it and that's it. But when the coffee was so good. If only it were as easy to make coffee like that as, say, bagged tea."
It's easy to do. You take a Brew It Stick, pour freshly ground coffee into it, andput it in amug of hot waterto extract . After 4 minutes you take the strainer out, take the mug of coffee and sit back in your chair. You enjoy your coffee while you read thestory on our blog and gradually find the blackcurrant flavour in the coffee that the label on the packet tempted you to. You knock the logfrom the strainer into the basket and rinse the strainer. To make it less ordinary, the makers of this strainer have invented a wonderfully practical stand in which the Brew It Stick waits for you to get the taste and the coffee back.
That's what this product and this article is all about. How to not onlyenjoy a great cup ofcoffee, but also become a "patron" of the farmers who grow it. It's an article about how theBrew It Stick, with its ease of use, can help people who are on the lookout for quality coffee to break free from commercial coffees. These commodity coffees don't have a quality or a story, so you don't know how the coffee got to you, who grew it, who got paid for it...and did they even get paid for it?
By buying poor quality coffee, are you not supporting the robbery of the farmers who grow the coffee and who never get the money back from the sale of their product? At least not most of them. And what is left sometimes does not even cover the cost of growing the coffee. Last but not least, your health should be important too. So want coffee from a roastery, not a coal kingdom. You want thechoice coffee. That is, one that isof high quality andhas a transparent purchasing and payment system. At the same time, you don't have to be a barista or a hipster to work with this kind of coffee. Because (as we wrote above) it can be done simply and easily if you have a magic wand - Brew It Stick.
Because theBrew It Stickis just a strainer, there's nothing stopping you from finding other uses for it in the kitchen. Coffee and tea have a lot in common and their preparation. When preparing in tea rooms, tea masters watch for similar factors affecting tea extraction as baristas in coffee shops do when preparing coffee. Coffee/tea quantity, time, water temperature. These and other aspects of preparation are more than important for both tea and coffee. Especially thequality of the input product itself , i.e. the coffee or tea.
Just as we urge you to think twice about buying commercial coffees, which are usually of poor quality and of dubious origin, so too should youchoose your tea. Often the tea bags of portioned tea have all sorts of things hidden in them, just not the tea we bought it for. The best qualityteas tend to be loose leaf and bought from a trusted seller who knows where their teas come from. You will find just such teas in our offer. Zuzana and Radek's herbal teas are a quality organic product from us here in Wallachia. They will delight your taste buds, body and mind. The main advantage of loose tea is that you can see into it and you know what you are drinking and what you are paying for. Itis also not difficult to prepare the selected quality loose tea. You just pour it into the Brew It Stick and let it infuse in a cup of hot water.