In general, alternative coffee preparation can be divided into two categories:
Drip-through (usually paper) filter - V60, Chemex, Aeropress, Twist Press, Electric dripper
Leaching - Moka pot, Jug, French press
The V60 is undoubtedly one of the most popular methods for making filter coffee. It is made of different materials and in different colour variations. To prepare filter coffee you will need a Hario V60. Hario is a Japanese brand that is one of the largest manufacturers of coffee accessories in the world. The name of this dripper is derived from the shape of the letter "V" and the 60-degree angle in which the dripper is made. It has special notches on it that help extraction and better filter adhesion.
- Heat the water to the desired temperature of 96-98 °C.
- Place the V60 on a teapot or cup and insert the paper filter.
- Rinse the filter with hot water to get rid of any aftertaste. At the same time, both the strainer and the container are heated. Then pour out the water.
- Prepare a medium coarse ground coffee. The basic recipe is 18 g of coffee per 300 ml of water. Pour the coffee into the filter and level it.
- Turn on the stopper and in a circular motion, start pouring water in small amounts over the coffee - approximately 40-50 ml. Soak all the coffee and then stir it gently.
- After another 20 seconds, pour 40-50 ml of water again. The water should be directed onto the coffee not onto the paper filter. Also ensure that the water is poured evenly. The dripping of the coffee should take a maximum of 3 minutes.

TheClever Dripper is a combination of a leaching method (such as the French Press) and a filtering process (such as the Hario V60).It is very similar to a classic dripper. It is also easy to clean and has no removable parts, so storage is simple. You extract the coffee for a period of time of your choosing, and when you put the Clever Dripper on the jar, a valve opens to allow the coffee to flow through the filter. The Clever Dripper will suit you if you prefer coffee with a stronger flavour.
- Heat the water to the desired temperature of 92 -96 °C.
- Measure out the desired amount of coffee (30g per 500 ml). The coarseness of the grind should be just a little finer than, for example, on a French Press.
- Rinse the paper filter with hot water.
- Using circular motions, pour the hot water evenly over all the coffee.
- Leave the coffee to infuse for 2-3 minutes and then place the "smartie" on a container. When we press the valve, the coffee immediately flows down.

At our roastery we use a Moccamaster from Technivorm. Into this dripper we put a paper filter, coarsely ground coffee and the necessary amount of water. The Moccamaster heats the water itself and does the rest of the process for us.
- Pour the required amount of water into the water tank. The basic recipe is 1l of water per 60g of coffee.
- Put the filter in the drip tray and wash it with hot water. Do not forget to pour the water out.
- Then pour in the coarsely ground coffee.
- Start the dripper, and when the water is hot, it will slowly pour the coffee. It is necessary to gently stir the coffee after it has been completely soaked. Once we have all the water dripped the coffee is ready.
The Chemex looks more like a flask from a lab, although it is one way of making filter coffee. What connects it a bit with the lab and chemistry is its inventor and famous chemist P. J. Schlumbohm.
To prepare filtered coffee using Chemex, folded and slightly thicker paper filters are used than we are familiar with for V60. It is therefore necessary to wash the filter thoroughly with hot water before starting the preparation.
- Heat the water to the desired temperature of 96-98 °C.
- Rinse the paper filter with hot water.
- Measure out the desired amount of coffee (6g per 100ml ). The coarseness of the grind should be finer than, for example, for Frenchpress.
- Pour the hot water evenly over all the coffee in a circular motion. Pour in a small amount of water first - about 50ml - so that all the coffee is soaked. After about 30 seconds, start pouring the coffee in the Chemex again in a circular motion.
- The coffee should drip within about 3 minutes.

TheAeropress appeared in the filter coffee world relatively recently, in 2005, when it was invented by Alan Adler. TheAeropress is a great little device for making great coffee quickly. It is an easy way to prepare great tasting coffee at home or on the go. Compared to the V60, the coffee has a fuller and more pronounced taste.
The aeropress uses paper or steel filters, as steel does not absorb coffee oils as they pass through. The aeropress itself has three parts - a plastic cylinder, a piston and a strainer. To brew with an aeropress, we will need a paper or metal filter to put between the strainer, the container you put the aeropress on and of course a scale.
- Heat the water to the desired temperature of 96-98 °C. Insert the paper filter into the strainer and place it on the plastic cylinder.
- Place the cylinder on the container and wash the filter with hot water to get rid of the aftertaste. Then pour out the water.
- Place the aeropress and the container on a scale and pour the medium ground coffee into the cylinder. As a rule, 17-20 g per 250 ml.
- Pour the hot water over the coffee in a circular motion and then remove the aeropress and cup from the scale. Place the plunger on the cylinder and push it downwards.
- Ideally, we start pushing the plunger after one minute. The result should not exceed 2 minutes.

The traditional method which is most similar to espresso. Strong flavour, full body - that's what the mocha pot gives us. The disadvantage is the possible bitterness of the coffee, due to the boiling of the water.
The moka pot was developed in Italy, where it is very popular. The invention was introduced in the 1930s by Bialetti. The teapot consists of three parts:
- Thelower container - for water .
- Middle container - for ground coffee
- The top container - for the brewed coffee.
When the bottom part is heated, steam is released, which increases the pressure in the container.
- Pour water into the bottom pot up to the valve.
- Fill the sieve in the middle section with finely to medium ground coffee. As a rule, do not squeeze the coffee.
- Screw in and place on the stove.
- After a while, you will hear the coffee start to flow from the bottom to the top. When it starts to sputter, take it off the stove. The coffee is ready to serve.

The French Press is a long-standing favourite for many people. It is undoubtedly one of the easiest alternative ways to make coffee. It is a glass or stainless steel teapot that is equipped with a plunger. This allows us to strain the coffee grounds to the bottom of the pot.
The recommended grind is rather coarser, roughly the consistency of sugar crystals. A finer grind will slip through the metal filter and end up in the cup. If the grind is too fine, the coffee could be over-extracted and the fine grind would make a problem for the plunger.
The beauty ofthe French press is that there is no paper filter to absorb the oils from the coffee, so you get a distinct flavor.
Apparently the French press originated in 19th century France. However, it had its biggest boom in the 1960s. Nowadays, we can conjure up delicious coffee without spending tens of thousands on coffee machines.
- Heat the water to the desired temperature of 92-96°C.
- Prepare a scale on which to place the Frenchpress.
- Pour the desired amount of coarsely ground coffee into the French press - 6 g of coffee per 100 ml.
- Pour the hot water evenly over all the coffee in a circular motion. A crust will form on the surface from the coffee log.
- Leave the coffee to infuse for 4 minutes and then slowly press the plunger down. Serve the coffee immediately into the prepared cups.

You arrive at work in the morning and immediately run into the kitchen. In no time at all, you've prepared a cup of coffee full of flavour and caffeine. All you need is a regular kettle and a ...Twist Press. A lightweight manual coffee machine withcompact dimensions. It won't take up much room in your bag, so you can carry it with you wherever you go. It's your guarantee of good coffee. Anywhere. It was created by British inventors who managed to combinethree coffee-making techniques in just two years. Watering, leaching and pressure extraction.

- 15 grams of finely ground coffee
- 250 grams of hotwater (around 94°)
Place a paper filterin the strainer and rinse it with water. Place the tube on the strainer and pour the groundcoffee inside . Pour a little hot waterover it (50g of water i.e. about one third of the tube) to pre-infuse (bloom) the coffee and after about 30 seconds add the remaining water. Put on the top of the coffee maker and twisting the handles of the coffee maker together, squeeze the coffee into your cup.
Three names, but still the same metal container resembling along-handled teapot for making traditional Turkish (Arabic) coffee. One of the oldest methods of preparing coffee. The preparation itself does not have to be an everyday activity, but can become a coffee ceremony. Jugs are available in traditional copper and often hand-wrought versions with metal or wooden handles. Modern variants provide more comfortable and easier preparation. Some are suitable for induction and there are also those available that have an electric base, making them a stand-alone kitchen appliance.
- 60 ml of cold water
- 7g of coffee really finely to powdery fine ground (finer than for espresso)
Pour the coffee intothe coffee pot and cover with water.Place the prepared coffee pot on a burner or stove or (if you have one) in hot sand. Stir the coffee and water after the first minute. Adjust the flame on the burner so that thecoffee in your coffee pot burns all the way to the edge and the coffee is ready, up to a total brewing time of 2½ minutes. Strain the coffee immediately into a cup and allow the coffee to rest in the cup for 2½ minutes before drinking .
- There are many ways to enjoy a good cup of coffee. Although espresso and the drinks made with it (whether black coffee or with milk) are still the most popular among coffee drinkers, alternative methods of making coffee are becoming increasingly popular.
- The advantages are mainly the ease of preparation and the lower cost of acquiring these aids.
- Among the alternative methods of coffee preparation, we can choose both traditional, time-tested ways to prepare coffee. For example, using a Moka pot or one of the original ways of preparing coffee in a coffee pot. Conversely, new and new ways to prepare coffee are constantly being developed, such as the new Delter Coffee Press.
- Each method offers a slightly different way of looking at coffee, or a different way of enjoying coffee. Some techniques are similar in both preparation style and the resulting coffee taste. Such as the so-called pour-over methods, which include Hario V60 or Chemex. By contrast, using, for example, a French Press even with the same beans ofroasted coffee will give a different taste experience, if only because of the different texture or clarity of the resulting drink.
- You can buy the popular "drip coffee makers" and coffee preparation tools not only in classic versions but also in modern designs.
- Remember that all preparation - if it is to result in a really good cup of coffee - starts with quality freshly roasted beans.
- For the actual preparation of any of the alternative methods ( and of course this also applies to espresso), it is important to grind the coffee correctly. So make sure you choose a really reliable coffee grinder.