Use the right grinder
Using the wrong grinder can be crucial, as several other mistakes can be made. You shoulduse a grinder designed exclusively for espresso - regardless of whether it's manual or electric. Grinders with chopping blades should be avoided completely. These will chop the coffee into unevenly sized pieces, leading tochanneling.
And sometimes just because a grinder has grinding stones doesn't mean it's a bet on quality. In fact, hand-held supermarket grinders are often made of poor quality materials and the axis on which the stones sit is not properly fixed.
In the case ofTimemore grinders, you don't have to worry about such a problem. There aretwo bearings inside Timemore mills to ensure that the axis is precisely fixed. This makes grinding easy and comfortable.
Why should you buy a grinder designed for direct espresso? These grinders designed for espresso grinding have adapted stones so that theycan grind coffee more finely than those for filter coffee.
Thesteel grinding stones in the 1ZPressogrinders are harder and so have not the slightest problem with fine grinding .
In the case of Kinugrinders , you will especially appreciate the micrometer adjustment of the grinding coarseness, thanks to which the stones do not jam when changing the grinding coarseness.
Thesteel grinding stones in Comandante mills have undergone several years of research and thus offer the best of what Comandante has developed.
Use quality coffee beans and grind the coffee before use
The next important step is to use the right beans. These should first be roasted for espresso. If you reach for quality choice beans, you can be sure that the beans won't break before you want them to.