So what's it all about?
1. Cold brew has less caffeine than hot brew
Coffee beans that are exposed to hot water are said to expel more caffeine than cold-brewed coffee. Which is true, but only if we're talking about the same serving size.
In fact, if we compare different types of coffee drinks in their usual serving amounts, cold brew wins. Once we focus on a single millilitre value for all the different coffee brewing methods, we find that espresso and ristretto lead the way, but cold brew takes second place again, suggesting that cold brew coffee is indeed rich in caffeine.
In fact, the extraction time can be around 8 hours to 24 hours. For a detailed explanation of caffeine, see the article " How much caffeine is in your cup of coffee?"
2. Cold brew beverage is less acidic than hot extracted coffee
While it is true that cold brew usually has a smoother and less acidic taste than hot brew, this is not due to the lower acid content. Such a cold extraction process can actually lead to increased concentrations of certain acids compared to warm brewing methods.
However, due to the fact that cold brew is served mostly iced, the acids areless pronouncedat lower temperatures , which will affect the final taste of the drink.
3. Cold brew and iced coffee are the same thing
The definition of iced coffee is any heat-processed method chilledwith ice. At this point, although such a batch on ice may seem the same at first glance, the drinks are different. As mentioned, cold brew takes considerably longer to leach, resulting in highly concentrated, but delicious coffee. The flavour profiles and strength of the two beverages can therefore differ significantly.
4. Cold brew is not heated
This summer drink can also become a winter favourite. After all, the flavour profile of the coffee may change slightly after heat treatment. The taste of a warm cold brew will produce different flavour notes and aromas, depending on the coffee you choose.

Now let's take a closer look at the characteristics of this heated beverage and the changes it will bring:
While a cold brew is usually smooth and creamy due to the slow leaching, heating it can induce a little more acidity or bitterness. However, this does not mean that the coffee will be any less delicious.
Certain aromatic compounds change their characteristics with heat, so the same coffee will taste quite different when served cold compared to the hot version.
To preserve quality, it is best to heat it gently on the stove or in a coffee machine with a heating element. Keep in mind that heating does not significantly change the caffeine content, but it can lead to faster oxidation, which can change the overall quality of the coffee.
Temperature control is also key - overheating can cause your cold brew to lose the unique characteristics that make it so special.
So when it comes to heating - there are a couple of ways to achieve a "hot brew":
Heat preferably at a low temperature, stirring occasionally until you reach your preferred temperature. It's not a good idea to overheat a cold brew, as it could alter the taste of the final drink.
It sounds incredibly barbaric, but even this can be considered a heating option. The important thing is to not set such a microwave on maximum power, rather the lowest, and give it a time of around 15-20 seconds. Occasionally pull it out, stir it, or repeat the process when the temperature of the drink is low, but again, don't overheat.
This method is the easiest. Simply heat the water in the kettle to some 80-90°C and pour in your cold brew. The concentration will naturally mellow out a bit.
5. Cold brew spoils quickly
It can actually last longer than hot coffee if stored properly. It is less prone to oxidation and degradation, due to the cold water extraction. When stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container, can stayfresh for up to two weeks.
What is cold brew made at home?
From a regular mason jar to a French press, to home brewing in Hario jars or Toddy jars.
For all the techniques below, it is better to use filtered water for better enjoyment of the taste.
1. French press
A very simple technique for preparing macerated coffee is the French press.
The preparation is as follows:
- In a French press, for example with a Preziosa from Bialetti of one litre capacity, you will prepare 125 grams of coarse to medium ground coffee.
- Pour in about halfway, stir and finally finish by topping up with the remaining water.
- Cover with a plunger lid and there is nothing to do but wait 8-24hours for the coffee to infuse.
- When the time is up, you stir again, press the plunger and serve.
2. Home cold brew system
With a home cold brew system from Hario, Asobu, Kinto, Timemore or Delter, you can create cold beverages "left-handed."
All brands pride themselves on their simplicity in preparation and, above all, their unique designs.
Hario Mizudashi Bottle, Hario Filter-in Coffee Bottle, Kinto Capsule or Timemore Icicle have a fine strainer inside the bottle into which ground coffee is poured and topped with water depending on the size of the container. After a period of time, which is usually here 8hours, you remove the strainer, pour into a glass and enjoy.
On the other hand, Hario Shizuku, Delter Cold Drip, Timemore Ice and Asobu KB900 are similar in some ways, but also differ in that each product has different tweaks.
Hario Shizuku
Prepares your drink using the drip technique with the help of a fine filter made of stainless steel. The brewing time for drip cold brew coffee is 1-2 hours, making the vessel the fastest technique.
Delter Cold Drip
Thanks to the technology of three waterbowls placed on top of each other, water drips through the coffee under constant pressure consistently for 3-4 hours.
Timemore Ice
It has its significant feature - self-selecting drip speed control. The drip time ranges from 2 to 4 hours.
Asobu KB900
A coffee maker and thermos in one - once the brewing time is completed, which is 12-24 hours, a button willpour the coffee extract itself into the bottom. You can then close it and take it with you on a trip.
So feel free to experiment with the ratio as well, you will gradually discover what suits you best.
3. Filter bags - Toddy Artisan
Toddy Artisan combines the pure function of a cold brew with a modern and minimalist design, that allows you to make a refreshing drink in a practical container, made for extraction along with storage. It even fits in the door of most refrigerators with ease.
The preparation is the same as the Hario Mizudashi product mentioned above. The only difference with Artisan is the filters, which are not reusable.
For example, the well-known Slovenian company Goat Story has an interestingly designed set .
Alternatively, the Goat Story Cold Brewer set includes a high quality borosilicate glass pitcher, a reusable fine filter made of stainless steel and an airtight lid to preserve the delicious drink.
4. Toddy Home Cold Brew System
The Toddy Home gadget makes yourhome feel like a coffee shop. The kit includes a glass decanter on which a plastic mold with steaming coffee sits.
Watch the video for fabulous preparation instructions.
Wondering how to make cold brew at home in a jar? Read the article about the preparation itself!