At the beginning of the 20th century, a miracle happened for all coffee lovers. Thanks to the innovations brought about by the industrial revolution, the very first version of espresso was created. This innovation began to spread all over the world. But during the 20th century, there were two world wars and many coups and new regimes, which often led to crises.
During these times, everything was scarce. And that meant coffee. So people had to find different substitutes, such as melta or chicory (today's Karo). After the war, a communist regime was established in our country and all cafes, restaurants and roasters were nationalised. This did not help innovation in the coffee world either.
During socialism in our country, many people did not have enough money for basic food, let alone for some better quality coffee and coffee machines. And here is the reason why Czechs are so fond of "turka", which actually has nothing to do with real Turkish coffee.
Although it may be hard to believe, Czech turk is still with us. Even coffee machines, drippers and French presseshaven't gotten to him . Turek still holds its place of honour in popularity in Czech households.
Many of you may already know that Turkish coffee is often described as unhealthy because it is hard on the digestive system. So what exactly is wrong with Czech Turkish coffee?
If you peek into your grandmother's coffee jar, you'll discover finely ground coffee, usually a mix of Robusta and Arabica. Arabica, of course, a smaller proportion. Arabica, compared to robusta, grows at higher altitudes and has a better taste. Most of the time, these are below-average quality blends. And certainly not a choice coffee.
People usually prepare turka by pouring the coffee in the cup as soon as the water starts boiling. And that's one of the mistakes with turka. Hot water shouldn't be poured over coffee, not even tea. It's a good idea to let it cool for a while, for example to 96 degrees. If you pour boiling water over the coffee, you destroy any flavour it might have.
Another mistake is to let the coffee grounds at the bottom of the mug steep for an unreasonably long time. Coffee should be left to steep for a maximum of four minutes. If you let coffee lye in hot water longer than that, it will start to release substances that are not good for our digestion. Carcinogens and excess caffeine are also released.
Genuine Turkish coffee is brewed in a jazwa and is very popular in the Balkans, Greece, Russia, India and all Arab countries. You won't find this method of coffee preparation in Czech cafes.
A gezva is a vessel made of copper or brass. At the same time, the stainless steel version is also very popular. The vessel has a conical shape with a long handle. The coffee from the pot is known for its strong taste. It is typical for its beautiful variations and serving utensils, which can be found on every corner of a genuine Arabic market.
Nowadays, alternative coffee preparation is very popular. It is much cheaper than buying expensive coffee machines for your home. You will also be able to make your coffee drink to your liking. The coarseness of the grind, the quality of the water, the choice of coffee, will all affect the final taste of your cup.
You can choose any method to prepare your coffee on our shop.