Taken at their word, experts in the 16th century claimed coffee promoted extramarital sex. In the 17th century, for a change, they said that coffee might cure alcoholism, but it led to impotence. Later, there were claims that coffee led to blindness and impaired growth and grades in school. So how is the coffee? Is it good or bad?
These and other coffee fallacies arose from, among other things, a lack of consideration of other factors that influenced past studies, such as smoking and drinking alcohol. Whereas new studies select individuals for research who live a healthy lifestyle. These people are then shown to have significant health benefits from drinking coffee. This is how Margit Slimáková, PharmD, explains the errors of the original coffee research in her book "A very personal book about health".
Discussions about coffee and health are a frequent topic, as coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. People just love coffee and also its ability to wake us up from sleepiness is more than often useful. There are thousands of chemical compounds in coffee that we take in by drinking coffee. New studies focusing on the effects of coffee are coming up with amazing benefits of coffee on our health.
Thenegative effects of coffee have been noticed in specific cases such as people with hypertension or stomach problems. Coffee is not suitable in combination with smoking. Larger amounts of coffee are also not suitable for nursing mothers or pregnant women. For a generally healthy individual, it is advisable tofollow certain rules of coffee drinking for a truly positive benefit.
Healthy coffee drinking starts with good ingredients. High quality coffees are labeled as choice coffee. Commodity coffees, i.e. those that have not reached the quality threshold of choice coffees, lack the care that choice coffees have. For example, it may contain a number of defective beans or mould caused by poor handling. Quality beans that have been roasted gently are the basis for a healthy cup of coffee.
Sparingly roasted coffee can please not only with its great taste and aroma. Roasting causes chemical reactions in each bean. Excessive roasting results in burnt coffee and creates compounds in the bean that are not compatible with healthy coffee drinking.
Quality and gently roasted coffee beans also deserve proper coffee preparation. Whether you like espresso or filtered coffee, proper coffee brewing practices are important to extract the kind of coffee compounds that are not only tasty but also beneficial to us. There are many ways to prepare coffee properly. However, our Czech concept of Turkish coffee is the least suitable.
If you have a cup of good black coffee in your hand, its effect on your health is also determined bythe time you drink it. We are naturally influenced by our biorhythms without being very conscious of it. Just like plants, animals and we humans have our ability to recognize time. Or rather, internal settings for the regular operation of the organism, the so-called circadian rhythms. Our body functions in a specific way and coffee intake should respect these functions.
Once you know what coffee to drink and when, it is extremely important to know what your daily dose of coffee is. How much coffee you should drink depends on many factors. Primarily on your genetic makeup and your ability to metabolize caffeine. At the same time, take into account that the body can get used to caffeine. Fightcoffee addiction with an occasional coffee fast.
In addition to warding off morning fatigue or anintense surge of energy for work and concentration during the day, drinking coffee has a number of benefits for a person's health. We do not yet know all these positive effects of coffee. Also, in many cases, it is still not entirely clear why coffee has this effect on our bodies.
In any case, it has been scientifically proven that coffee has a preventive effect and reduces the risk of...
- stroke
- heart attack
- prostate and liver cancer.
Its significant effect on the cardiovascular system and its preventive anti-cancer effects are also supported by the considerable amount of antioxidants that coffee contains. It has also been found tohelp protect against the formation of gallstones.
The way caffeine affects our bodies has an effect onstress. It helps to correct cortisol uptake in the body and thus helps to balance theoveractive HPA axis. With a responsible approach to drinking coffee, coffee can have a positive effect on depression and improve mood.
Other benefits of coffee include its beneficial effects for the skin and enhancing athletic performance. The combination of these, and no doubt we can assume many other yet unproven health benefits of coffee, makes a cup of coffee an elixir of health. If we take into account that cardiovascular diseases are the most common fatal diseases, and that coffee could be a prevention against them and against cancer, we have in our cup a drink that prolongs life.
Drinking coffee could not only help us prolong life, but coffeecould also improve old age. Common diseases in later life are Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. By caffeine's effect on the neurotransmitters in the brain, in the case of Alzheimer's, and its effect on the production of dopamine, low levels of which would be a chance for the development of Parkinson's disease, coffee seems to be a great fighter against these two unpleasant "masters".
So,freshly brewed black coffee could be an indispensable drink for health and longevity, but what happens after we add something to the coffee? Coffee with milk is very popular with coffee drinkers. People just love the combination of coffee and milk. Baristas make one cappuccino and latte after another.
Milk coffee drinks are not only delicious, but by adding milk to the coffee you dampen the onset of caffeine, which is then released gradually over a longer period of time. The fat particles in milk are responsible for this, so you can also achieve the gradual caffeine release effect by adding another fatty ingredient. An example of such a drink is "Bulletproof Coffee" which has become a phenomenon.
Do you care about a slim line? A cup of coffee can help you lose weight. If you add milk and sugar to your coffee, you will minimally eliminate this effect of coffee. If you just have to sweeten your coffee, try swapping white sugar for another healthier method of sweetening your coffee.