Why do we only sell grinders with grinding stones?
The mechanism of an electric and manual grinder is practically the same, only the drive of the grinder differs. In addition, with electric grinders you can choose between grinding stones and chopping blades. But I'll rule out knife mills right at the start. Grinding with knife mills is inconsistent and uneven.
That's not the grind you want for proper coffee extraction. Unevenly ground coffee also means inconsistent coffee extraction and that leads to a cup of coffee that doesn't taste good. Why cut coffee when you can grind it! And with a grinder with grinding stones.
So, before we get into specific tips on grinders for your home, I'd like to mention what your options are with grinding stones, in addition to the importance of grinding stones. Because with electric grinders, you have a choice of conical and flat grinding stones.
Is the coffee better from a grinder with conical grinding stones or one with flat grinding stones?
Before I suggest specific tips for grinders for your home, I want to mention what type of stones they may have and what that means for you. Because with electric grinders, you have a choice of conical grinding stones and flat grinding stones.
- Conical grinding stones can be found in most manual grinders, mainly because of their space-saving nature. However, there are also a fewelectric grinders with conical stones. Compared to flat stones, they have a greater endurance in sharpness. If they are no longer sharp enough they must be replaced.)
- Flat grinding stones, on the other hand, can be resharpened if they are not sharp enough. Both types of grinding stones provide excellent grinding (as long as they are well made and mounted in the grinder). Flat stones are specific to professional electric grinders, which thus have a more agile grind with large flat stones.
Grinding coarseness adjustment of electric grinders
A key feature to look out for when choosing a filter coffee grinder is thegrind coarseness adjustment options. If you like to make Cold Brew at home, as well as AeroPress for example, you'll need a fairly wide range of coarseness settings on your grinder.
For alternative preparations, avoid espresso grinders by a wide margin and don't even attempt to grind French Press coffee on them. You might be able to grind the beans with some of them for filter coffee, sometimes the grinding uniformity decreases with higher coarseness.
And finally, there are those grinders that can do both. Although they may limit you a bit in some ways, especially the espresso direction. So I can't be mad at them, they aim for the widest range of the coarseness scale of the grind. From Cold Brew to Jazz. But if you know you want a grinder for espresso, buy an espresso grinder.
4 electric coffee grinders for your home
If I were in your shoes and looking for a new electric coffee grinder, I'd choose from these pieces. The coffee they make will make you happy cup after cup. A good coffee grinder is also an ideal household gift for your loved ones.
So here they are:
- Fellow ODE
- Eureka Mignon
- Wilfa
- Baratza Sette
Fellow ODE is done before you close the coffee jar

Small, pretty, handy grinder. And it grinds at lightning speed. Sound good? Then thegrinder from Fellowshouldn't escape your attention . In addition to its interesting design, theODE grinder also features 31 grind settings, aself-shut-off function after finishing the coffee, and afast and quiet grind.
With Eureka's grinder you can invite a professional barista for coffee
TheEurekabrand is a leader among electric grinders and offers great grinders for both home and coffee shops. In their portfolio, however, they have a grinder that says in the name what it's all about. TheEureka Mignon Filtro is a god grinder for filter coffee.
It is quiet and provides perfectly evenly ground coffee for all alternative coffee brewing. It also doesn 't clump thanks to theAEC system. With this grinder, you will be preparing overcoffee like a pro barista.
A grinder that makes you happy at the checkout
In the category of inexpensive but high-quality grinders, the battle is the toughest. For an affordable low price with great features you can get both theWilfa Svart and the Baratza Encore.
TheWilfa Svartmill , especially with its multiple coarseness settings, comes out the winner of this battle . It's a little guy, yet it handleseven tougher coffee beans perfectly. If you have or are planning to buy a Wilfa WSPL-3Bdrip coffee machine at home , don't look for another grinder.

If you like the traditional look of the Baratza Encore grinderwith its conical hopper, you can also look forward to a great companion for filter coffee. Moka pot, overflow and French Press, the can grind coffee in all ways to perfection. And it's now available in white, so it's ideal for a bright kitchen.

The Baratza Sette: if you love espresso and you drink over coffee.
Option #1
If you make espresso regularly, you should look directly for anespresso grinder. However, if it's once in a while, auniversal grinder will be great for you .
And it's theBaratza Sette 270Wthat will conjure up perfectly ground coffee for espresso and drip coffee too. Despite being so multifunctional, the Sette is completely easy to operate.
The technology that makes the coffee evenly ground works on the principle of a stable inner stone and an outer rotating one. The conical stones are a bet on quality thanks to the stainless steel from which they are made.
Option #2
If you'd still like an alternative to the Baratza Sette, theEureka Mignon Specialtyis also great . This is primarily an espresso grinder, but if you like to stray in now and then to brew a V60 or AeroPress, you'll also be satisfied.
Option #3
TheWilfa Uniform WSFBS-100Bwill also give you a lot of pleasure when grinding your coffee , and in addition to its simple design, it also offers precision grinding stones. In fact, top Norwegian barista Tim Wendelboe was involved in its development .