Mistakes you made in the morning when making coffee
Quality ingredients are important, whatever you are preparing, so is coffee. Did you find yourself out of beans this morning, so you pull out the rest of the old beans tucked away in the corner of the cupboard? That's not quite the way to go.
This mistake isn't exactly a typical morning mistake, but it's also a common one, so I'll mention it here. For coffee to still have the same aroma and taste two weeks after opening, it needs to bestored properly. Keep the coffee at room temperature. The internet advice about storing it in the fridge is a myth, so avoid it. Then, you also need to store the coffee without access to air, so that it doesn't become stale and lose its aromas. Vacuum coffee jars are ideal for storing coffee in this way .
You won't go wrong by storing it in its original packaging either, that is, if it is an eco coffee bag with a one-way valve. This will make sure that your coffee doesn't lose its aroma. However, it is important to close the bags carefully.
To begin with, I have mentioned a few mistakes that can apply to both the preparation of espresso or cappuccino and filter coffee.
But then there are mistakes specific to filter coffee preparation, or to particular preparation methods, so let's introduce them.
There are two common mistakes when brewing water. Thefirst is that you're in too much of a hurry to let the water boil and filter with too cold water, so your coffee doesn't extract as it should.
Then the second mistake is that you let it boil, but you rush anyway and don't wait until it gets to about the desired 92-96°C and start filtering the coffee right away. This will scald all its potential flavours. And you'll probably end up burning your tongue, too.
You can avoid using water that's too hot by using atemperature-controlled barista kettle.
Making coffee doesn't have to be such a big deal. But for a delicious cup of coffee, you need to follow some rules. You need to use a certain amount of coffee and also water. Abarista scale with a stopwatchcan help you do this .
You can also come across barista scales that have a built-in app, thanks to which you can create your own recipe for a given preparation and coffee and then just repeat it every morning. Alternatively, you can follow the basic recipe for filter coffee, which is16 grams of coffee per 250ml of water.
The biggest influence on the quality of your filter coffee is the coffee beans. However, thewater you usealso has an impact on its taste . If you use tap water that contains various minerals or contaminants, this can spoil the taste of the drink and make your coffee taste terrible. Soto guarantee good coffee quality, always use filtered water to avoid adding minerals and contaminants to your coffee. Moreover, the water you use also affects your coffee machine. Using filtered water will keep it in good condition for a long time.
In addition to the previously mentioned oversights, such as using water that is too hot or choosing the wrong coffee-to-water ratio, there is another very common mistake. And that isleaving the coffee in the French press for a long time after pressing. Even though the coffee is separated, it continues to partially leach, releasing substances that we do not want to consume. Therefore, after pressing and finishing the extraction, you should either pour the coffee directly into the cup. Or pour it into some other container from which to serve the coffee later.
The basic procedure for making coffee in a French Press:
- Boil your water. You don't need a gooseneck barista pot to make French press coffee. However, you do need water at 96-92°C as for any other filter coffee. If you don't have an adjustable temperature kettle, wait a minute or so before using the water.
- For 1 litre of water you will need 70 g of ground coffee. On the Baratza Encore electric grinder for French Press, choose coarseness 28. On the Wilfa Svart grinder, choose the coarseness next to the letter O in the word Aeropress.
- Pour the ground coffee into the French Press and cover with water. With the French Press, you don't have to pay as much attention to the pouring technique and the circular motion, but make sure all the coffee is steeped. Alternatively, use the French Press to circle the water halfway through the pour or stir the coffee with a spoon.
- Now allow the coffee to extract for 4 minutes.
- After 4 minutes, break up the crust with a spoon. Remove the foam formed. This is what can cause the coffee to be bitter afterwards.
- Squeeze the coffee and let it stand for another minute before serving. In the meantime, even the smallest particles will have settled, which we then don't want in the final cup of coffee.
What mistakes are unique to drip coffee preparation? The first thingyou must not forget to do when preparing it is to pour through the paper filter. This will get rid of the unwanted paper taste in the coffee. Plus, this will preheat your V60 or Chemex and you won't have as much heat escaping from it during brewing.
It is also important to observe the so-called bloomingafter pouring the coffee into the filter , during which the carbon dioxide is released from the ground coffee and nothing prevents the transfer of flavours, i.e. the extraction of the ground coffee.
When extracting, pour the water onto the coffee in a slow, circular motion to ensure that all the ground coffee isextracted evenly. By pouring chaotically and rapidly, you will end up with under-extracted and weak coffee.
However, another little thing that can make a big difference to the taste of the final cup is the alignment of the coffee bed. Without this, the coffee will extract more in one part and less in another. How the coffee is ground also contributes to even extraction. To avoid unevenly ground coffee, you need a grinder with ceramic, steel or titanium stones. Unlike chopping mills, these grind the coffee beans evenly according to thegrinding coarseness you set.
The basic procedure for making coffee in the V60:
- Boil your water to 92-96 °C. If you do not have a barista kettle with adjustable temperature. Just let the water cool for a minute or so.
- In the meantime, prepare your coffee beans. You will need 16g of ground coffeeper 250ml of water. You can use more ground coffee if you prefer a fuller-bodied coffee.
- For a Baratze Encore grinder, use a coarseness of 15. For a Timemore hand grinder, set your grinder to 12-15 clicks. For grinding on the Wilfa Svart, choose coarseness P in the word Aeropress.
- Place the paper filter in the V60 and run hot water through in a circular motion. In addition to getting rid of the paper taste, you'll warm the V60 and it won't leak heat during brewing.
- Pour the ground coffee into the filter, but don't forget to pour out the rest of the water that has leaked through the filter.
- Level the coffee bed. This will ensure even extraction.
- Time to start the stopwatch, let's filter.
- Wet the coffee with the first 30 g of water and let it bloom for 30 seconds.
- Then top up the water to 150g. Gently stir the grounds so they don't get stuck on the filter walls and get extracted.
- At 1:15, top up with the remaining 100g of water. The extraction should take approximately 3 minutes.
- You can now serve the coffee.
Just because you've bought the nicest and most expensive drip coffee machine, it doesn't mean it will automatically make you a cauldron of great coffee. You may make slightlyfewer mistakes with this preparation than with alternative preparations, but that doesn't mean you can skip thedrip coffee maker. As with other brewing methods, it depends on the coarseness of the grind, or the right ratio of water to coffee.
Whether you use the coffee machine daily or only occasionally, itneeds to be cleaned. It could be that the sediment is the reason why your coffee doesn't taste as good as it should. In addition to throwing the filter with the used coffee in the trash, the filter basket needs to be washed. You should also wash the inside of the drip tray regularly. TheCafetto Brew Cleaner can help you with this .
Preparing filter coffee in the Moccamaster:
- Prepare the necessary amount of water in the Moccamaster.
- Fold the paper filter and after inserting it into the plastic holder, be sure to run hot water through it to get rid of the paper taste in the coffee.
- For 1 litre of water you will need 60 grams of coffee roasted on the filter.
- Grind the coffee to the desired coarseness. On the Baratza Encore grinder, select coarseness 18. To adjust the coarseness on the Wilfa Svart grinder, select the coarseness by the letter T in the word Filter.
- Pour the ground coffee into the filter and place it in the coffee machine.
- Now all you have to do is press the start button and wait 5 minutes.
If you are not fully satisfied with the taste of the coffee, you can adjust the coarseness or the water/coffee ratio for next time.
Including the mistakes that are general for making filter coffee, here's one that's specific to the Aeropress. This is very fast or very slow pressing. It is generally recommended that the pressing time be between 30 and 45 seconds. However, there are those who squeeze the coffee in the Aeropress in 20 seconds or vice versa in 60 seconds. You may be comfortable with this, but it is important to mention that the length of the squeeze is also something that affects the taste of the resulting cup of coffee. However, a shorter press time is perfectly fine if you use less water.
The winning recipe for the 2019 Aeropress
- Boil hot water to 92°C. Then rinse your paper filter.
- Prepare 30 g of coffee. You will grind it for 30 clicks on the Comandante grinder. Otherwise, choose a coarseness of 7/10, if we consider a coarseness of 10 to be very coarse and a coarseness of 1 to be very fine. On a Wilfa Svart electric grinder, choose the coarseness in the Aeropress area near the letter R.
- Prepare the Aeropress in the reverse position.
- Pour the ground coffee inside and cover with 100g of water. Then stir it20 times.
- Put on the filter and leave the Aeropress in the inverted position and squeeze it to get rid of excess air.
- After 40 seconds of pouring, reverse the Aeropress and squeeze.
- Then top up the coffee with 120 g of hot 92 °C water.
- Allow the coffee to cool to approximately 60 °C. You can help this by pouring the coffee from one container to another.
When your eyes are still glued in the morning and the last thing you want to do is watch your coffee brewing in the V60, try the Brew It Stick. As well as making coffee, you can use it to makeloose leaf tea.
- Prepare your coarse ground coffee. You can choose roughly the same coarseness as for the French Press. So on the Baratza Encore electric grinder, choose coarseness 28. On the Wilfa Svart grinder, choose the coarseness near the letter O in the word Aeropress.
- Remove the handle and fill the cup with freshly ground coffee and screw the handle back on.
- Pour 250 ml of water at a temperature of approximately 96°Cinto the cup to prevent the coffee from burning.
- Place the Brew It Stick in the cup and stir. This will extract the ground coffee.
- After 4minutes remove the Brew It Stick and your coffee is ready.