Weighing out the exact dose of ground coffee is the quickest, easiest and most effective way to minimise coffee waste. If you weigh your coffee in advance instead of making a fleeting guess, you'll not only save yourself precious coffee, but you'll also greatly improve the quality of the final cup. This means you'llhave even better coffee for even less money next time .
Also, do you sometimes wonder what coffee grounds would be good for when you have so much of them? Get inspired with a few options.
The fridge often has a mix of smells from different foods that make the rest of the fridge smell bad. The coffee grounds are a great way to deal with this, effectively absorbing any unwanted odours. Pour the lye into two bowls and place them around the fridge. Leave it for a few days and you'll see your fridge smelling like new.
Coffee liquor is very beneficial to plants as a fertiliser. It contains potassium just like industrial fertilisers. Coffee liquor makes plants stronger overall. Allow the lye to dry and then mix it into the soil, for example in pots.
Unexpectedly, coffee grounds also repel slugs or ants. To combat slugs, cover the beds with a 10-centimetre-wide strip of sawdust and pour boiling water over it. Even a weak solution of caffeine is a deadly poison to slugs, and the smell of coffee repels them. If you are worried about ants, sprinkle the lye on their paths and you'll be free of them in a few days.
You can dispose of the leftover lye in the compost. Coffeegrounds contain aroma and nutrients that attract earthworms. Earthworms are more than needed in the compost. They loosen the soil and thus speed up the whole composting process. You can safely dispose of filtered coffee waste in the compost heap at the same time as the unbleached paper filter.
Disposable cups are part of almost every coffee shop and you can start with them to reduce waste and help the environment. Many people recycle coffee cups by throwing them in the blue bin (paper). However, this is not the case for many cups. Most of them are coated with a polyethylene coating. This makes them able to hold liquid, but means they can't be completely recycled.
However, 100% recyclable paper cups and lids are also available on the market. They may cost a few crowns more than the normal ones, but you may attract a new wave of environmentally conscious customers.
Some businesses even offer a discount to customers who bring in their own reusable cup. While it's unlikely that every paper or any other cup will be removed from use, there is plenty that can be done to minimise their use.
If you want to see how much milk you have left over, pour any left over milk into a jug on the side for the duration of the shift. You'll probably be very unpleasantly surprised by how much is left over. Put an emphasis on how much the barista actually needs .
Of course, you won't always get an accurate measurement of the milk. Put the leftover milk in a jug in the fridge and use it later on, for example when making iced coffee or cocoa. But beware, milk that has already been reheated once cannot be used again for cappuccino. It wouldn't taste or look good.
This may seem like a small thing, but it's pretty important. In a lot of cafes.
it's common to provide tap water to customers. Either completely free or for a small fee. That's up to you. If you offer customers tap water, you may actually discourage them from buying bottled plastic water, thus reducing unnecessary plastic consumption. And it will be a nice gesture from you to your customers, while relieving the environment of plastic. If you want to be sure of the quality of your water, we recommend you get a filter kettle.