Is drinking coffee with milk harmful or is adding milk to coffee healthy?


When you say coffee with milk or white coffee, you probably think of the beloved drink called cappuccino. The story of the origin of cappuccino is told by a monk named Marco de Aviano, who was sent by the Pope to Vienna in 1683. There he was offered coffee.

However, the monk didn't like it very much, so he asked for a flavouring to make the coffee sweeter. Thecoffee was thentopped up with milkto add sweetness and mellow the taste. The resulting drink thus took on a light brown colour that matched the monk's cloak. That is, the cape of the Capuchin monks of the Ordo Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum. Hence the name of the now traditional coffee drink.

However, the first drop of milk was added to coffee a few years earlier, around 1660. The idea of coffee with milk was brought to Europe by Jean Nieuhof, a Dutch traveller and ambassador to China , who noticed theaddition of milk to tea in China . He then applied the idea to a cup of coffee


Before de Avian, Nieuhof and the Chinese, it was the Tibetans who added milk or fat to their drink before the 10th century. More than for flavouring, it was for thenutritional value of the drink.

After all, the original Tibetan coffee with yak butter gave rise to the trend of "bulletproof" coffee. However, the modern version differs from the traditional recipe by using cow butter and coconut or MCT oil. Such coffee boasts of providing a large dose of energy.

Similarly, as with coffee with butter, we can expect more energy value when drinking coffee with milk, which contains a certain amount of fat. Of course, the conditions of city life are different from those in Tibet, so a hearty breakfast of coffee is not a prerequisite for survival. Today we drink coffee with milk because we like it. It's sweet, creamy, just delicious.


Since the beginning of the 20th century, drinking coffee has taken on a new dimension. Steam coffee machines were invented and so was a drink called espresso. The strong coffee extract, full of flavour and prepared in a few moments, helped spread the coffee drinking habit in Italy, Europe and all over the world. For some, however, the drink was strong and bitter, but it is the ability of milk to optimise the taste of coffee in the cup that is the undeniable advantage of drinking coffee with milk.

Espresso machines with a nozzle are able to prepare coffee and whisk milk in a few moments. Warm milk with a fine texture adds sweetness to the coffee. At the same time ,it tones down the acidity and bitterness of the coffee. With milk, you can cover up minor flaws in your espresso if it's not quite right and is more bitter or sour than it should be.

On the other hand, milk can work very well with coffee in terms of flavour. Acidic coffees can taste very sweet with milk. With chocolate, vanilla or hazelnut coffee notes, milk gets along naturally and well. Such a cappuccino is almost a coffee dessert in itself.


When you just have a craving for coffee with milk, when you want to warm up with a cup of sweet and warm milk with the taste of coffee, or when the coffee itself is too strong for you. Then, or any other time, you can add a little or even a little more milk to your coffee. Either way, think about thenatural taste of the coffee itself.

If the coffee is prepared well, it contains a whole spectrum of flavours. Good coffee is sweet in itself with an individual flavour profile, a certain level of acidity and bitterness. Some coffees enchant with flavour in all forms, whether as black coffee, with milk or perhaps on ice or in conjunction with alcohol. Be sure to try different coffee options.

However, when you add milk to your coffee automatically as a routine, remember that covering up the flavours of the coffee itself with milk would sometimes be a shame. Interesting microlots, coffees with original processing methods, unique varieties. In these cases, you would be depriving yourself of a unique taste experience in thefirst place , much like if you used Dom Pérignon to make a Mimosa.


Freshly prepared black coffee is a source of antioxidants and vitamins. It is talked about in connection with its protective effects against cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. It helps against fatigue, can help with regulating the HPA axis, and the smell of coffee alone can improve mood. Drinking milk is in turn recommended for bone health due to the calcium. One litre of milk contains 1.2 - 1.37 g of calcium.

In addition to dampening the strong flavors of espresso, milk added to coffee can reduce the onset of caffeine. Thus, people sensitive to caffeine do not have to worry about the quick effect of caffeine, but if they have a latte, they can enjoy the taste of coffee and thecaffeine high will be milder and more gradual.

It is not true that the milk in coffee can neutralise caffeine. You will get the same amount of caffeine in your latte or cappuccino as when you drink espresso alone. But by spreading it out in a larger volume of milk, you drink it more slowly, and it's because of the milk that therate of caffeine absorption in the body is affected .


Coffee and milk. Such a popular combination and at the same time the subject of so many debates about health. The fear that adding milk to coffee could harm our health probably comes from individual experience when someone was unwell after drinking white coffee. However, the culprit is often not the combination of milk and coffee, but the inappropriate use of milk or coffee.

What do I mean by inappropriate use? In the case of coffee, it can have a negative effect if you prepare it incorrectly. For example, if you are a habitual daily "turk"drinker. Or if you handle coffee incorrectly. Old and improperly stored coffee can be a source of mould. Oils from coffee can build up in the grinder if it has not been cleaned for a long time and then start to turn rancid. Similarly ,the cleanliness of the coffee machine is important not only for the taste but also for thehealthiness of your coffee.

In terms of health and milk in coffee, it is important to remember how milk itself affects us. Most commonly, how we are able to process lactose. This ability can change in various ways throughout our lives and develop into lactose intolerance. Then, unfortunately, you will have to replace the milk in your coffee with lactose-free, plant-based milk or start with black coffee.


Among the common myths regarding coffee drinking is its effect on the health of the organs of the digestive system. Often then the scarecrow is the development of pancreatic cancer. However,a meta-study looking at this topic points out that there is no link between coffee and the risk of pancreatic cancer.

In case you have pancreatic problems it is recommended to limit fats. Therefore, if you like cappuccino, think about that it is usually prepared with whole milk. While such higher-fat milk is beneficial for the taste and silky texture of the cappuccino, it may not be suitable for your ailing pancreas.


Not only pancreatic cancer, but alsoesophageal cancer is one topic related to coffee drinking and health. What effect does coffee with milk have on this problem? According to research, drinking coffee has no negative effect on the development of oesophageal cancer. On the contrary, a protective effect has been observed in East Asian people.

Consuming drinksthat are too hotmay be a problem that promotes the development of oesophageal cancer . And more significantly in association with a known health-harming habit - smoking. Even in today's health-oriented society, the habit of having a "coffee and a cigarette" still persists.

Drinking coffee with milk could thus at least help to lower the temperature of the drink and reduce the harmfulness of one of these two factors in the development of oesophageal cancer. In fact, properly prepared milk for a cappuccino has a temperature of around 60°C, which is suitable for drinking without burning or causing health risks to your oesophagus.


The unpleasant sensation of heartburn is caused by acidic gastric juices irritating the lining of the oesophagus after meals or at night. Heartburn can be a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which can lead to permanent damage to the oesophagus.

In case you are suffering from heartburn, it is advisable to avoid fried and fatty foods or alcohol. Coffee is often included in this diet. However, coffee drinking has not been found to be associated with these difficulties. But drinking milk, or consuming dairy products, has been shown to worsen GERD symptoms .

If you drink coffee without milk, it should not cause heartburn. On the other hand,caffeine's ability to promote body activity and digestion could increase the likelihood of heartburn. So, try it out for yourself and see whether or not drinking black coffee suits you.


The negative effects of drinking coffee with milk include mainly the intake of fats and sugars from this drink. The world's first cappuccino was made to make coffee taste sweeter. No wonder the desire to sweeten coffee persists today. People sweeten the thick sweet milk with coffee in the cup with sugar and syrups for an even sweeter taste. We humans just like sweet.

Such a coffee dessert in the form of a caramel latte with whipped cream, why not indulge once in a while? However, it is how often we indulge in such sweets that plays a role. For many coffee drinkers, however, sweetening coffee with milk is routine. Yet, coffee with milk doesn't have to be a big transgression, even if you want to lose weight. Unless you sweeten it with candy and drink several such coffees a day.


If you are interested in healthy living, you must have already come across various practices that can promote health and optimize the functioning of our body. These can be certain exercises, the use of herbs, ice baths or even intermittent fasting. When applying the intermittent fasting technique, drinking coffee can be beneficial. As Veronica Allister recommends , drink good quality coffee without milk and without sugar during intermittent fasting .

Coffee itself contains no calories and still contributes to fat burning. Again, we are talking about a cup of black coffee. Anything you add to coffee can change its properties. Non-caloric coffee gains 64 kcal by adding 100 ml of whole milk. With oat milk, a little less: 56 kcal.

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