Drip coffee is coffee that is prepared by pouring hot water over a bed of coffee. The water then flows by gravity through the ground coffee beans into the container. We can include drip coffee machines such as the Moccamaster or Wilfa, but also Chemex, Kalita, Hario V60.
If you go to a coffee shop somewhere abroad you may also come across the term "pour over". This refers to all preparations that are prepared by hand. So it is all of the above except filter coffee or batch brew prepared in drip coffee machines.
That's what its name says for it quite aptly. It is coffee that is immersed in hot or even cold water for the extraction period. For this category of preparation, it is important to consider more than how the water is poured over the ground coffee, it is how long the coffee is steeped in the water.
The first is cupping, which is how thequality of the coffee is assessed. Cupping coffee is prepared in a similar way to the famous Czech turek. The ground coffee is poured over 95 °C hot water and left to extract for 3 minutes. The crust isthen broken with acupping spoon. During the cooling process, the coffee flavours change and the barista or roaster tastes the coffee at different stages of the extraction to get the best feel for the taste differences.
Thepreparation of coffee in a French pressis also considered to be a leaching process , where coarsely ground coffee is poured into a container and then covered with hot water at a temperature of 96-92 °C. Whether you pour the water in one go or in batches and how long you leave it to extract is up to you, there are plenty of recipes for French press coffee. You can influence the extraction by stirring during the extraction. Often the coffee crust formed on the surface breaks through about 1 minute before the end of the extraction. You finally press and serve the extracted coffee after about 3-5 minutes (varies depending on the recipe).
If you were puzzled by the mention of cold brewing, let me explain it to you right away. Cold brew coffee is also a classic cold brew, i.e. coffee macerated cold. Even cold brew has different recipes. However, leave the coarse ground coffee to infuse for at least 12 hours, 24 at most.
Be sure to try different leaching times, as the taste of the coffee changes with the extraction time so you can find the one closest to you. Another great tip is to prepare the coffee in a French press, you don't have to pour it in any complicated way and after a few hours you just press it.
TheTwist Press is alsoone of the ways to prepare coffee by leaching . This consists of two parts. The lower one is used to prepare the coffee. It is the part where you pour the ground coffee and pour hot water over it. And you let it infuse for 2 minutes, then you press the coffee with the upper part and filter it into the cup. With the Twist Press, you have a choice of two filter options - paper or metal. When your choice falls on paper, expect the resulting cup of coffee to be cleaner and lighter, more in the style of coffee from pour overs. With a metal filter, you'll achieve a cup with a distinct flavor. Coffee prepared through a metal filter is often used in coffee drinks or milk drinks.
Similarly to the Twist Press, coffee preparation in the AeroPress or Delter Coffee Pressalso works . Very simply put: you wet the filter, pour in the coffee, let it extract and then press. There are many different ways of making coffee, so there is a lot to discover.
Yes, there is such a thing and it is offered by the Clever Drippermethod of preparation . You start the preparation as with any other dripper by pouring water over the paper filter to remove the taste of the paper filter in the resulting cup of coffee. Moccamaster paper filters are compatible with the Smart . You then pour in the desired amount of ground coffee, which should be ground medium or coarse, depending on how much coffee you want to brew. The capacity of the Clever Dripper is 530 ml, so you can easily prepare two cups of coffee at once with it.And now for the magic of its preparation. Hot water at 96-92°C is poured over the ground coffee, but it doesn't go anywhere like you're used to with the Kalita or Hario V60, for example. In fact, the smart brewer is equipped with a patented valve that prevents water flow. So you extract the coffee in the Clever Dripper and when the time has elapsed for which you want to extract the coffee, you place it on a teapot or mug and the valve located at the bottom of the dripper opens automatically .
Taste. Without a doubt the first reason why drip coffee is great. Dripping is useful to bring out the complexity of the coffee. This method of preparation tends to bring out subtle flavours and aromas. The fact that water can extract coffee oils and solubles in a timely manner also allows for greater flavour purity.
Depending on the flavour you want to highlight, different drip coffee accessories can reveal different characteristics, even in the same coffee.The V60, for example , is suitable for emphasising acidity, fruitiness and floral notes, while still letting a relatively large amount of coffee oils through the thin filter, creating a more complex coffee body. TheChemex, with its thick filter paper, retains more of the oils from the beans, thus providing an intense and complex coffee. The Kalita, with its flat bottom and three holes at the bottom, tends to suspend the drip, resulting in a smoother coffee with a deeper sweetness. Coffee prepared in drip coffee makers tends to have a balanced flavor profile and rounded body and acidity.
Coffee grinders and baristas are still only human, and they simply make mistakes sometimes. Poor filtration technique and temperature instability are common issues that affect drip coffee.
As an example, uneven distribution of the coffee grounds causes water to flow through only certain parts of the coffee bed. This results in over-extraction in some areas and little or no extraction in others. The conical shape of drippers such as the V60 or Chemex makes it more difficult to distribute the coffee grounds evenly. This can result in unbalanced filtration and coffee with an unwanted taste.
Temperature instability, whether of the water or the drip accessory, can also be another problem. This can be caused by its shape, material or size. Because as you probably know, the V60 is available on the market in metal, plastic and ceramic. The plastic V60 is admittedly cheaper and also not as easily breakable as the ceramic version. However, it has better material. Ceramic conducts heat better. The metal version solves both problems.
You can't always tell, but for most methods of infusing coffee, this is an easier method than drip methods. This is also why these methods are often recommended to beginners. This is because there is no need to follow the process closely from start to finish.
Generally speaking, leaching produces a thicker coffee with a more pronounced profile. If you don't prefer fuller-bodied coffees, but you are a beginner and don't dare to use one of the drip methods, you can prepare the coffee in a larger proportion, i.e. use more water. But don't overdo it, lest you end up losing the coffee's flavour potential and end up with something that's just coloured like coffee but doesn't taste like it.
The most famous machine for drip coffee is the aforementioned French Press, which has its fans for its ease of preparation, but also its detractors because they do not like the coffee from the French Press. Often, however, this is not the fault of the French Press, but of the wrong preparation procedure. The correct way to make French Press is to use coarsely ground coffee, which is then brewed for a longer period of time, but at most 5 minutes. A fine grind does not exactly speed up the preparation. Most conventional French Presses are made with metal filters that do not trap coffee oils and sediment as effectively, leading to an increased perception of bitterness and the specific texture that French Press coffee has. If you prefer a clean coffee, choose one of the drip methods through a paper filter or preparation in an Aeropress or Delter Coffee Press. The paper filter captures even the finest particles.
But the main mistake that many people make when making coffee in a French press is that they squeeze the coffee after a while, but don't strain it. If you brew more coffee at once and pour it into a cup and leave the rest in the French press, the coffee won't taste good afterwards because it's actually still being partially extracted. Frequent cleaning of the metal filter is also important. Clogged coffee grounds can also be the reason why your coffee doesn't taste so great.
But the main mistake a lot of people make when making coffee in a French Press is that they press the coffee, but don't strain it after a while. If you brew more coffee at once and pour it into a cup and leave the rest in the French Press, the coffee won't taste good afterwards because it's actually still being partially extracted. Frequent cleaning of the metal filter is also important. Clogged coffee grounds can also be the reason why your coffee doesn't taste so great.
One is interesting because of its purity, complexity of flavors and accentuated acidity, while the other offers arich and bold flavor with full body.
And then there are methods that combine some of both methods to produce a cup of coffee with a clean but distinct flavor. But does that mean one is better than the other? Should coffees with an acidic flavor profile only be brewed in V60? No will be the answer to both questions. It's all about personal preference and finding a way that suits you.