Did you know that you can also make tea in your Moka teapot?
Tea and coffee are among the two most widely consumed beverages in the world. And although it may not seem like it at first glance, they arevery close to each otherand share several common traits. That's why every good barista should have an overview not only of coffee, but also of quality teas and their preparation.
What do tea and coffee have in common?
Both coffee and tea plants ultimately produce a beverage whose taste is influenced by growing conditions such as soil conditions, humidity, surrounding vegetation, etc. And both are naturally enriched with a chemical substance that provides a boost,caffeine in coffee in tea tein.
Finally, both use very similar brewing methods. Brew ratio, water temperature and brewing time are similar for both coffee and tea. Therefore, the coffee brewing stuff works well for tea brewing too. And it is no different with the Moka teapot.

Preparing tea in a Moka teapot
Preparing tea in a Moka teapot will guarantee you delicious results and if you've had many cups of coffee today, tea is a suitable alternative. Moreover, preparing tea in a Moka teapot is really easy. How to do it?
- Rinse the Moka teapot (in case of leftover coffee from previous preparation).
- Fill the bottom of the Moka pot with hot water.
- Place loose tea leaves into the filter.
- Screw on the top and place the Moka teapot on the stove or cooker.
- Turn the stove on low or medium heat.
- When the tea starts to bubble, remove the Moka teapot from the stove.
- Pour the tea into the cup and enjoy the hot tea.
How to clean the Moka Teapot
Cleaning a moka teapot is not rocket science. It only takes a few minutes of your time, but it is an important step because it won't ruin your kitchen counter and, more importantly, the taste of your coffee or tea.
For daily cleaning, justrinse the Moka under warm running water. However, this can lead to limescale after some time. If this happens, try a more precise cleaning.
Fill the withwater and a teaspoon of baking soda, put another teaspoon of baking soda in the filter and place the machine on the stove as if you were making coffee in a moka.
Baking soda has excellent cleaning properties, so it will take care of the rest. Rinse the moka well before making espresso or tea to avoid an unpleasant taste after cleaning.
The best tea for the Moka teapot

What tea is most suitable for brewing in a Moka teapot? In our experience, the best tea for the Moka teapot isblack tea.
Black tea is fully oxidized, which means itcan tolerate high temperature and pressure very well. It is generally known that black teas are theeasiest to prepare of any kind and they are also the cheapest option.
Other types, such as green or fruit teas, do not tolerate high water temperatures as well and could risk overcooking.
A moka teapot can be a good kitchen helper, whether you are going to make tea or coffee. It can do both perfectly, doesn't take up much space and doesn't take up too much of your time. So, are you going to try it too?