The truth about caffeine in instant coffee

Why do people drink instant coffee?

Instant coffee may be despised by many baristas, but in acommercial setting it is still in demand and it simply finds its consumers there.

Therefore, many people drink instant coffee in the morning when they want aquick wake-up, but they don't necessarily want the full-flavor experience.

And no wonder. With instant coffee, everything is simply easier. It's much easier and quicker to prepare. You don't have to worry about adjusting the grind, figuring out the right brew ratio ratio or even cleaning or maintaining the coffee machine.

Another reason instant coffee is so popular is its low price. Instant coffee is actually cheaper than choice coffee, which is why most coffee drinkers reach for instant coffee.

How much caffeine does instant coffee contain?

Determining the average amount of caffeine in instant coffee is not so easy. Differentbrands contain different amounts of caffeine depending on the production processes. So if you are interested in the amount of caffeine in a particular packet of coffee, check the packaging before you buy.

The amount of caffeine is affected by the production process, as much of the caffeine is lost during the production of instant coffee.

Some manufacturers may add caffeine back into their products to compensate for this loss, so be careful what you read when comparing brands.

But if we look at a little math, according to the USDA there is about28.3 milligrams of caffeine in each teaspoon (which is about 0.9 grams) of instant coffee.

Typically, instant coffee is made with two teaspoons of instant coffee and about 200 ml of hot water. So, for one cup of coffee, that adds up to about 56.6 milligrams of caffeine.

However, according to an article published in 2017 by the Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy, there are approximately 80 milligrams of caffeine in a cup of coffee. This beautifully shows us that the amount of caffeine in instant coffee simply varies.

Caffeine in instant coffee VS normal coffee

A cup of regular coffee contains 60 to 145 mg of caffeine. Instant coffee therefore contains about 20-45% of the total caffeine content found in a cup of regular coffee.

Because instant coffee relies on asmall amount of water to get its flavor , it also contains less caffeine than filter coffee.

If caffeine is what gets you going, you'll need more instant coffee to give you the same boost of energy as a regular cup of brewed coffee.

How much instant coffee can we drink?

There is no universal answer to the question of how much instant coffee we can drink per day. But if instant coffee belongs in your morning routine, we have some recommendations for you:

  • Don't exceed the safe limit of caffeine for adults, which is about 400 mg of caffeine per day.
  • However, some people may bemore sensitive to caffeine , so check thepackaging before drinking multiple cups of instant coffee in one day .
  • Remember that instant coffee without caffeine is also a possible choice.
  • If you have any health problems, talk to your doctor about how much instant coffee is right for you.

If you are looking for a lighter dose of caffeine, instant coffee may become your new favorite beverage. It may not provide as complex and rich a flavor as filter or espresso, but it is much easier to prepare and contains about 30% less caffeine.

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