But before we get into the other tips, it would be a shame not to show you at least one or two recipes for making filter coffee in Chemex.
African coffees are perfect for this recipe, so maybe our Ethiopia or Rwanda.
- Prepare 30g of coffee ground for preparation in Chemex, which means 12 clicks on Hario grinders or 24 clicks on Timemore .
- Boil your water to a temperature of 93°C.
- Pour through a paper filter and discard the leaked water.
- Pour the ground coffee into the Chemex.
- Circularly pour 45g of water over your coffee andlet it bloom for 45 seconds .
- Pour another 140g of waterover the coffee for a minute , then wait 15 seconds.
- Pour another 140g of waterin a circular motion .
- Pour the last 25g of water into the centre and wait for the water to filter through the coffee.
- Now all that is left to do is enjoy the coffee.
You can also prepare cold coffee directly in Chemex. The recipe is designed for 3-4 coffees, so this time you will use a rather large Chemex. However, you can also adapt the recipe for smaller quantities.
- Boil water and let it cool for 30 seconds after boiling.
- In the meantime, prepare 96 g of coffee ground for the Chemex.
- Wet the paper filter and pour out the water.
- Pour 425 g of iceinto the Chemex container and the ground coffee into the filter.
- Switch on the stopwatch and soak the coffee in about 100 g of water. And let it bloom for 30-40 seconds.
- Then gradually pour more 580 g waterover the coffee in a circular motion until the time is 3:30 .
- Then we let the coffee extract, which should be up to a maximum time of 4:30.
- And now there is nothing left to do but enjoy your cold brew coffee.

In addition to being able to use the Chemex as a vase, as you may see in some cafes, you can also prepare tea with it.
To prepare it, you will need loose tea, hot water and a Chemex with a filter.
- Rinse the filter in the same way as you would when making coffee.
- Use 2 teaspoons per 200 ml of water. Alternatively, adjust the ratio to your taste for next time.
- Pour the tea in a slow, circular motion.
- Then just serve it.

Like other alternative preparations, Chemex has several types of filters to choose from. The paper classic, however, where we have a choice of white and brown paper, a reusable metal filter or a washable textile filter. What are the differences between them? I'll explain that in a moment.
With Chemex paper filters,you have the option to choose the size and also thetype of filter. You can buy either white or brown, i.e. the natural unbleached form. They are no different. What is different between them is their manufacture. The difference is that the white filter paper goes through a purifying oxidation bath and then a series of hot water baths. Brown paper, on the other hand, only goes through a hot water bath and retains its natural colour. Some coffee lovers will tell you that they don't see a difference in the final coffee prepared through a white and natural filter, others will claim otherwise. According to one test, it is better to use white filter paper for light roasted coffees and natural filter paper for darker roasted coffees. However, it's best to test it for yourself.
Paper filters are great at trapping all the impurities, oils and bitter elements, so the clean, full flavour comes through.
Another thing you may come across when choosing paper filters is their shape. Filters come in either asquare or cone-shapedversion. However, the shape of the filter does not affect the final coffee. The square one will be easier to get out of the Chemex, and the conical one will fit better in the Chemex.

If you're tired of worrying about whether you have enough filters for your Chemex at home, areusable stainless steel filtermay be the solution . Such filters are made by the brand Able, for example, and their products include metal filters for the AeroPress. In addition, you can also use the Able Kone for V60 preparation. This filter only comes in one size, and it's made for the Chemex for 6-10 cups, but that doesn't stop you from making less coffee.
Themetal filter produces a final cup of coffee with a fuller flavor because all of the coffee's oils permeate through the stainless steel filter. So you may have to get used to the taste. However, a metal filter will save nature and your wallet in the future.
Another option is a cloth filter. With this one, unlike the Able, you have a choice of size based on the size of the Chemex. Ebb filters last at least as long as a hundred paper filters. The filters are made from 100% organic cotton. For maximum durability, it is advisable to store the filters in a container of water and ideally in the fridge. Over time, there is an extra need for the filter to extend the coffee extraction time.