
Cascara is a beverage made from the hollowed-out skins of coffee cherries, especially the Arabica variety. It offers a sweet aroma and flavour reminiscent of dried fruits, rose hips, and herbs. For preparation, use 2-3 grams of Cascara per 200 ml of hot water (around 90°C) and steep for 4-6 minutes.


What is Cascara and how is it made?

Cascara is a beverage made from the hollowed-out skins of coffee cherries, especially the Arabica variety. After harvesting, the husks are dried and processed into tea, which retains the aroma and flavour of the original coffee.

What are the main flavours and aromas of Cascara?

Cascara enchants with a sweet aroma and flavour reminiscent of dried fruits, rose hips and herbs. This unique flavour profile makes Cascara a great choice for those looking for something new.

How to prepare Cascara tea?

Cascara is prepared in a similar way to tea. We recommend using 2-3 grams of Cascara per 200 ml of hot water (around 90°C) and letting it steep for 4-6 minutes. For the cold version, you can use cold water and leave it to infuse for a longer time.
