Latte art

Get inspired and try new Latte Art themes

Get inspired and try new Latte Art themes

Latte Art is a unique art in the world of baristas, which is always up to date and goes through one innovative phase after another. Coffee paintings provide baristas with a platform to express their creativity. Get inspired with me on the best Latte Art.

6 reasons why latte art is not working for you

6 reasons why latte art is not working for you

Coffee without a picture can taste great. But when we focus on cappuccino or latte, we can almost say that you can't imagine a good cappuccino without a nice latte art. In fact, properly whipped milk for latte art also has an effect on the taste. If you're trying to create a tulip or swan in your cappuccino but still can't get it right, you may be making one of the following mistakes. So let's fix it.

Homemade cappuccino without a coffee machine? No problem!

Homemade cappuccino without a coffee machine? No problem!

Do you love coffee with milk and cappuccino or Caffe latte is your regular choice in the café? How about making a homemade cappuccino? You can whip up milk without even the most expensive coffee machine these days, so let's talk about how to do it.

How to make latte art: swans and other animals

How to make latte art: swans and other animals

Cappuccino with swan. This is a common goal of aspiring baristas who want to learn the latte art technique. The skill to draw a swan motif in the coffee is considered as a kind of meta. A kind of confirmation of the barista's level, skill and ability. So how do you draw a latte art swan?

Latte art: How to make a caffe latte with rosetta

Latte art: How to make a caffe latte with rosetta

Petals, feathers or ferns. This is how you can imagine a rosetta. I'm sure you know this picture. You might have seen it most often at Cafe Latte. The latte art in the shape of a rosetta is typical of this coffee. So let's create one together.

Latte art guide

Latte art guide

You've probably noticed that many baristas, after filling a cup, spend some time concentrating on the surface of the drink and then hand you a coffee with a distinctive picture. It's actually his artistic signature - a brand, or it can be a message, because even though he creates images according to established rules, there are no limits to imagination and every shape will turn out differently. It depends on the mood of the barista and his skill. It can be hilarious, haphazard, smooth or blocky, with curls or subtly simple.

Italy is said to be the cradle of European latte art. The pioneer of latte art in the USA was David Schomer, who created his first rosetta in Seattle in 1989. He also invented the microfoam (milk emulsion) three years earlier, allowing latte art to flourish.

How to choose milk for whipping

How to choose milk for whipping

There are regions and baristas who consider coffee with milk almost a crime. But in our area, milk and coffee are very good friends. It is an inseparable pair, just as coffee used to be "cigars". Of course, anyone can pour milk into coffee, but to whip up the right froth to make a worthy accompaniment to a first-class coffee requires barista skill and knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of animal milk.

The best animal milk option for milk froth and coffee accompaniment is cow's milk. The healthier goat's milk has unfortunately not proved to be a good match, as its specific taste is not so friendly with the taste of coffee. Only the Italians were not discouraged and invented the capriccino, a coffee made with whipped goat's milk ,for those who cannot consume cow's milk for health reasons .

About milk in coffee and the formation of milk foam

About milk in coffee and the formation of milk foam

Why not put cold milk in the coffee, but warm and whipped? How is such milk foam created and which is the best milk for whipping? If you love cappuccino and other types of coffee with milk, continue reading.

Since milk coffees are the most popular coffee drinks, they deserve a great deal of attention. So today I'm going to reveal to you the secrets hidden in milk. Let's take a good look at the popular milk in coffee:

Perfect milk temperature for cappuccino

Perfect milk temperature for cappuccino

How hot you use the milk to brew your favourite version of white coffee affects more than just the overall temperature of the drink. The temperature of the milk affects the texture of the final coffee and how it tastes. The cappuccino that burned your tongue. That's not pleasant. Not only does it hurt, but you won't enjoy your coffee with a burnt mouth. On the other hand, lukewarm coffee doesn't bring as much pleasure.

Latte art for beginners. Your first picture in coffee

Latte art for beginners. Your first picture in coffee

"I wish I could make a cappuccino with a swan!" How many times have we heard this phrase right at the beginning of an introductory latte art training. Pictures in coffee attract coffee shop customers. They can equally impress the loved ones you invite over for coffee. Latte art requires a good knowledge of theory or knowing why, what and how to do. We can teach you that. Then you have to practice, rehearse and practice until you create a coffee with a heart, a tulip, a rosette and finally your dream swan.
