How to prepare espresso

Why have a puck screen when making espresso?

Why have a puck screen when making espresso?

Have you noticed them? The wheels that go into the portafilter. That's the puck screen, and if you want to take your espresso to the next level, you need one. I'll explain why, and what they do.

Analysis of coffee from used espresso bud

Analysis of coffee from used espresso bud

With filtered coffee, it is easier for baristas to check the quality of the coffee they serve to customers simply by tasting it. So how else can they tell if the espresso is properly prepared? First of all, by sight. To see if the crema looks as it should, some baristas also recommend checking the espresso puck after extraction. Does it really reveal a bad espresso? That's what we'll discuss in this article.

Preinfusion of espresso

Preinfusion of espresso

If you're in the coffee world, you've probably come across the term preinfusion. But what is preinfusion, what is it good for and how do you do it? That's what we'll look at in today's article.

Americano. Is there a correct ratio of water to coffee?

Americano. Is there a correct ratio of water to coffee?

Are you one of those people who get confused by the drinks in coffee shops? Do you panic when you come across a million different terms for what is essentially a mixture of coffee, water and milk? You're not alone. You get black coffee. But it may be one of the five drinks. What is it? So what is an Americano?

How temperature stability can affect extraction

How temperature stability can affect extraction

Temperature stability plays a key role during extraction. In fact, even before the extraction process itself. Unstable temperatures can make coffee preparation very difficult. However, technology in the manufacture of coffee machines has advanced considerably. What criteria should you look for when choosing a coffee machine? Let's take a closer look.

What is cold-pressed espresso

What is cold-pressed espresso

Do you crave espresso even on hot summer days? Try a cold-pressed espresso that is prepared to keep you cool even in high temperatures. Find out with me what makes cold-pressed espresso unique, how it's prepared or what it tastes like.

Coffee grinding errors for espresso

Coffee grinding errors for espresso

Can't get your espresso just right? Maybe the mistake you're making is in the grind. What are the most common espresso grinding mistakes and how can you fix them?