How to prepare filtered coffee

Compass with tips for preparing filter coffee

Compass with tips for preparing filter coffee

Does a cup of filter coffee accompany your day, but the resulting taste is not to your liking? With the compass from Pete Licata and Veneziano, you'll know right away what to adjust.

Best leaching time for Cold Brew

Best leaching time for Cold Brew

Cold brew is the hit of the summer. An ice cold drink with ice cubes is just what every coffee lover needs on a hot day. What's it all about? Cold brew is cold brew coffee that is extracted in water for 8 hours. However, this is where we run into the exact extraction time. Each hour can affect the final flavour profile of the coffee. So how long should a cold brew be steeped for?

New in the preparation of filter coffee: Delter Coffee Press

New in the preparation of filter coffee: Delter Coffee Press

A new development in the field of manual preparation of filter coffee is coming to the forefront of the world's baristas and coffee lovers. From Australia, the Delter Coffee Press manual coffee machine is heading around the world. It is attracting the interest of filter coffee lovers despite, or perhaps because, its design is very similar to the very popular Aeropress. So what is the difference between these methods of filter coffee preparation?

The king of the Aeropress is dead, long live the king of the Delter Coffee Press! Thethird coffee wave brings great developments not only in coffee technology, but also developments in all areas of research and exploration of fine coffee. While the Aeropress has taken up residence on many shelves in cafes, kitchens and often the hearts of coffee lovers around the world, a newcomer from Australia - the Delter Coffee Press - is coming to claim the throne of the most popular aid for making filter coffee on the go.

Mistakes you made in the morning when making coffee

Mistakes you made in the morning when making coffee

The reason why you make coffee in the morning? Because you're still half asleep and want to wake up. But that's exactly the same reason you probably make mistakes in the morning when you make coffee. That's why I'm going to remind you today to avoid them tomorrow morning.

Tips for making coffee in Chemex and its other uses

Tips for making coffee in Chemex and its other uses

Chemex is one of the ways you can easily prepare great filter coffee. But this beautifully designed vessel, which has been with us for 80 years thanks to Peter Schlumbohm, doesn't just have to be used to make coffee. So this time, we're going to look at what else you can use it for and how you can make your Chemex coffee more efficient.

Tips on how to care for Turkish Ibrik

Tips on how to care for Turkish Ibrik

Have you decided to switch from Czech Turkish and want to experience the charm of the Orient with coffee prepared in Turkish Jazz? In addition to the preparation, knowing how to care for the jazz is equally important. With a little care, your jazwa will serve you and make you happy for many years. Read on to discover the best tips for caring for your jazz.

Vacuum Pot: home coffee preparation in Syphon

Vacuum Pot: home coffee preparation in Syphon

The home coffee machine for filtered coffee prepared using vacuum or Vacuum Pot attracts attention and interest from the first sight. It attracts the look of a tool from a chemistry laboratory and the preparation of coffee in a somewhat magical way.

How to make quality coffee while travelling

How to make quality coffee while travelling

Once you've tasted quality coffee, you won't want to drink anything else. But there's a little problem with that. Unfortunately, tasty, quality coffee isn't available everywhere yet. I personally face this problem especially when we go camping, to the mountains or anywhere in the countryside. I want to drink good quality coffee and above all I want it to taste good.

That's why we bring you an article on how to prepare quality coffee while traveling. You don't want to deprive yourself of coffee when you can climb a mountain and have a beautiful view of the countryside stretching out in front of you.
