Subminimal - Quality coffee accessories for home espresso experiences. ☕🌟

Danish quality and minimalist brand specialising in designer coffee accessories. Want to enjoy the taste of a cappuccino from a barista at home? Then the Subminimal brand is the obvious choice for you.

Subminimal designs, manufactures and sells coffee accessories. Products for the perfect preparation of home espresso drinks. The developers at Subminimal boast the best milk frother in the world. One that can produce a silky microfoam that is perfect for latte art for cappuccinos and lattes.

Another interesting product from Subminimal is the milk pitcher. The ergonomic and heat-resistant handle allows the jug to be used directly on the stove. There is no need for a steam pad or pot to heat the milk. This makes the FlowTip the perfect companion for cappuccinos and lattes.