


How to clean the coffee machine and grinder

How to clean the coffee machine and grinder

A clean coffee machine and grinder is not only a sign of a good barista, but also of good coffee. To make sure that the taste of your espresso is not compromised by deposits from past coffees, take a few minutes to clean your coffee equipment. With the right coffee maker chemistry, it's easy.

10 mistakes in espresso preparation [for beginners]

10 mistakes in espresso preparation [for beginners]

Buying a lever coffee machine is the start of your journey to the perfect cup of espresso at home. If you want to save yourself some coffee-making frustrations, check out these ten common mistakes novice home baristas make.

How to clean a dirty dripper or automatic dripper

How to clean a dirty dripper or automatic dripper

Do you feel that the taste of your coffee is not what it used to be? This could be due to a clogged machine. We'll tell you how to take care of your coffee machine and what cleaning products to use in the following article. We'll tell you how to clean a dripper and a dirty automatic dripper to get the perfect result again.

How does such cleaning work, you ask? Cleaning the dripper and automatic decanter is not a complicated process. We recommend that you use special cleaning agents to help you clean the machine 100% and flawlessly. Whether it's a decanter, Hario V60 or a mug, you need to take the time to clean it thoroughly from time to time. We've prepared a guide along with recommended products to make cleaning as easy as possible.

Powder or tablets for cleaning the coffee machine

Powder or tablets for cleaning the coffee machine

Maintenance is essential. If you have an automatic or small lever coffee machine at home, regular cleaning and descaling is a must. But what to use for such cleaning? The following article will give you the answer.

Coffee grinder - how to clean it and cope with jamming

Coffee grinder - how to clean it and cope with jamming

Does your coffee not taste as good as it used to? One way to spice up the problem could be a dirty coffee grinder. Mugs and coffee makers aren't the only things that need to be cleaned. Grinders also need a good cleaning from time to time. Have you ever had coffee stuck in your grinder? We'll tell you what to do about that too.

What to equip your home espresso corner with

What to equip your home espresso corner with

Do you like to drink espresso from morning to night and have you decided it's time to create your own espresso corner at home? What accessories and barista tools do you need to make espresso or even cappuccino properly? In today's article, we'll show you through the entire process of making espresso.

Wilfa Svart vs. Baratza Encore

Wilfa Svart vs. Baratza Encore

Do you prepare a lot of filter coffee every day and the hand grinder is simply not enough? Then it's time for an electric grinder, but which one to choose? I've taken this time to compare two popular eclectic home grinders, the Wilfa Svart CGWS-130B and the Baratza Encore. Which one will be the better buy? Let's take a look.